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"We Are Not All The Same"

The most exciting thing about working with people is helping them be the best versions of themselves. Who cares about what's trending for 2019. If I like plaid, well then doggone it, I'm gonna wrap my over-sized sofa in as large a plaid print as I can find...then hope like hell I have a designer who can help me make it make sense within the space.

So who are you? Are you prim and proper, laced up and tightly buttoned up? Are

WHO are YOU?

you wild and crazy and color blind so you have NO idea if you're matching or not...and don't care either way? Or are you like me, a little bit country, a little bit rock 'n roll, so you like just about every kind of design aesthetic under the sun?

The best part about "design" is that following the latest trend doesn't matter. What does is making sure that your home LOOKS and FEELS like your unique YOU.

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